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Elder Care

General resources

Eldercare locator
This is a great place to start for families as many resources are linked to a central ‘spoke’ in an easy to digest fashion. Links to support services, housing, elder rights, transportation, insurance and benefits, and health are on the main page. The search tool is particularly helpful for locating area resources.

Eldercare locator -- Area Agencies on Aging
These organizations (Area Agencies on Aging) are often POWERHOUSES. They are state specific and serve as a ‘hub’ for everything from navigating Medicare and Medicaid applications, aligning Meals-on-Wheels, and securing low-cost durable medical equipment

Friends of Disabled Adults & Children
Requires $25 donation but this organization provides excellent supports with durable medical equipment, and home and vehicle modifications for persons with disabilities. As of right now, they DO NOT SHIP—pick up in Stone Mountain, GA.



When planning, begin by establishing health insurance coverage as this is essential to facility admission. If housing will be with kin, health insurance will still need to be established to trigger many benefits, some of which can be provided retroactively.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Medicare – Get started with Medicare

Medicaid – Contact your State with Questions

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs – Veterans Benefits Administration
Benefits available not only to those who have served, but may also be provided to spouses and dependents, including those who will be taking over care role.


Housing & Health Care

Resources below are listed from least to most restrictive. Decisions where to reside are based on level of care (physician driven)—as activities with daily living (such as eating, walking, personal hygiene, breathing) become more difficult, long-term and nursing care will be necessary. If patient is terminal—expected to die within 6 to 24 months in most cases—hospice providers will step in. Note that hospice can be provided at home, but some agencies do provide inpatient options.

Also, some home health agencies offer ‘wrap around’ services—things like medication management, light housekeeping, and cooking may be included; if not, look to the Area Agency on Aging in your jurisdiction to fill in these ‘holes’. – Home Health Compare -- Nursing Home Compare

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization – Find a Care Provider

Long-term Care Ombudsman
While not essential for reentry planning, this is a good resource for families if they feel that they are being discriminated against. Access to advocacy may be necessary later on during their loved one’s stay.



Financial Resources

Social Security – Apply for Benefits



Caregiver Resources

NIH National Institute on Aging Caregiving – Advance Care Planning
Provides overview of advance directives, health care surrogacy, and organ donation. Clarifying that these are either 1) in place; or that 2) resources have been identified will bolster a case of family preparedness. Importantly, a large body of evidence speaks to the importance of these oft overlooked processes as key to reducing care burden.

Health Resources & Services Administration – Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Training Curriculum (Caregivers)
For those persons discharged with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD), this tool provides critical content for caregivers to reduce caregiver anxiety and burden which in turn support better care outcomes.

National Respite Network – National Respite Locator
Importantly, caregivers cannot assure the needs of their care recipient are met until their own needs have been satiated. Respite (through formal or informal channels) can help to assure caregivers are not overburdened and can reduce the risk of elder abuse.

National Adult Day Services Association – Find a Center